Building a Culture Dedicated to Automotive Service Excellence

National Express Transit’s mission is providing the safest, highest-quality transportation services – on time, every time. Our operations focus on five core values: safety, customers, people, community, and excellence.

As an organization, we’ve been focused on initiatives that truly embody these five core values and will help us achieve our mission. One of those initiatives is automotive service excellence certifications. We encourage employees across the organization to become ASE-certified and are also encouraging entire shops to become ASE Blue Shield shops.

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6 Tips for Finding a Transit Service Company to Partner With

When it comes time to find a transit service company with which to partner, it's important to first hammer out details of what exactly is needed, the timeline of when and how long the contract will run, and the budget for acquiring those services. It's also imperative that an evaluation process be in place for considering proposals and potential partners, in order to accurately appraise each proposal to not only ensure that the agency is getting the most value for its money, but to also avoid entering into partnerships and agreements with companies that may not be a good fit for helping the agency meet its goals.

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5 Tips Transit Companies Should Focus on for Transit Management Training

Good training systems and protocols are one of the key elements for operating most successful companies, and transit companies are no exception. Without adequate training, anyone from the manager on down might be able to muddle through their daily responsibilities, but they won't be doing the type and quality of work that will help the company rise above their competition, and at the worst, they may magnify, or even cause, issues that have financial, operational, or health risks to them.

On the other hand, companies that have up-to-date training methods and materials, and a process for not just providing the training but also to evaluate its effectiveness, will have employees and managers that both fully understand their jobs and have the skills to carry them out well. Transit companies that have strong protocols and resources in place for fleet management training can be assured that everyone, from management to maintenance to operations to finance, is in possession of the most current skillsets to meet the demands and responsibilities of their departments

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How to Land a Job at a Top Transportation Company in 2017

Careers in public transportation offer variety and opportunities for advancement. If you like solving problems and helping passengers get around, this career might be right for you. National Express Transit, a growing provider of transit services in the U.S., is hiring and offers some advice to find and get the job of your dreams.

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4 Tips Towards Effectively Managing Labor for a Win-Win Scenario

Labor unions have represented the rank and file in the United States for well over a century, emerging quickly as an authoritative voice to protect the shared interests of workers. Although the workplace has evolved through the intervening years and union membership has declined nationally, union representation continues to be prevalent in some industries, including the transit industry.

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